Philadelphia and other cities suffering from surging gun deaths are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into solutions that don’t work
‘That persistent fringe variety of American monster, though, has never before been attached to and attracted to a front-running major party presidential campaign they way they are to Donald Trump’
Cain and Abel offer an important lesson, says a UCLA professor in the new book Bloodlust: It’s familiarity, not otherness, that breeds violence.
Long before the Supreme Court deemed violent video games free speech, the 1940s cultural critic Gershon Legman noted Americans’ paradoxical views on sex and violence
In Jerusalem, Jerusalem, James Carroll uses the city as a metaphor for the human tendency to combine religion with violence
The gunman arrested in connection with the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the deaths of at least five others was clearly delusional, but was he influenced by the toxic rhetoric coursing through the country today?
My son’s pyromaniacal tendencies, Bibi, and bedtime stories that go awry