
Ep. 3: The Sound of America

Father Coughlin starts broadcasting his religious services over the radio

October 19, 2021

Father Coughlin’s decision to broadcast his sermons over the radio scandalizes the American listening public, with angry letters pouring in to radio stations and politicians. Preaching on the dial next to Amos n’ Andy was sacrilegious, inappropriate, crass. But soon listeners were hooked by the radio priest’s sonorous voice, and his deliberately targeted messaging.

Ep. 3: The Sound of America
Father Coughlin starts broadcasting his religious services over the radio
October 19, 2021
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Radioactive is hosted by Detroit journalist Andrew Lapin and produced by Tablet Studios, with support from Maimonides Fund, ​and in association with The WNET Group’s reporting initiative, Exploring Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and Extremism. The show’s theme music is from The Ghost Writer and was composed by Alexandre Desplat. All speeches and material of Father Coughlin, as well as music and other audio from his radio program, are authentic to the source.

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