Kurt Hoffman
The Franchise

Introducing The Franchise: Jews, Sports, and America

A new limited series exploring the intersection of sports and American Jewish culture, hosted by Meredith Shiner

October 7, 2022
Kurt Hoffman

The Franchise is a new limited series that explores how contemporary American Jewish culture imprinted itself onto sports and sports imprinted itself onto Jews. Hosted by Meredith Shiner and produced by Tablet Studios, The Franchise highlights the moments and the people—the athletes, fans, stat geeks, journalists, and team owners—who merged these two very American worlds.

The series kicks off with Sandy Koufax and the so-called Koufax curse that befalls Jewish athletes who play on Yom Kippur, revisits the story of “Jewish Jordan,” Tamir Goodman, probes why Jews love teams that always seem to lose, and much more.

The Franchise premieres on Wednesday, Oct. 12 on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts

The Franchise
Introducing The Franchise: Jews, Sports, and America
A new limited series exploring the intersection of sports and American Jewish culture, hosted by Meredith Shiner
October 07, 2022
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