Archived issues of the 1980s magazine that billed itself as ‘a journal of progressive Jewish thought’
How internet-fueled smear campaigns undermine Jewish institutions—and our idea of community
As more scholars and students turn to digital sources, libraries and archives are discovering a new purpose and new audiences
The Foundation For Preserving The Visual History of The Jewish People held its inaugural gala last month in New York. The event showcased the importance of the organization’s mission.
Michal Baror, Tamar Nissim, and Maya Zack go digging in archives
In the chaos of the 2003 war, remnants of a once-thriving Jewish past were saved (or stolen?) by America. Where do they belong?
An international cast of characters is embroiled in a bizarre legal dispute over the late rabbi’s personal collection of books
Did Zosa Szajkowski save precious documents from the Nazis, or did he steal the cultural patrimony of French Jews?
The physicist died before he could give an Independence Day talk in 1955
How did Menachem Begin’s Cabinet handle the truth about the Sabra and Shatila massacre? Here are the transcripts.