Some of the greatest minds in America have gathered in the pages of the country’s leading weekly to declare how little they understand things now, and how little they care to understand them moving forward
Anti-Israel terrorist propaganda gets an Emmy nomination
Despite claims that it spreads ‘misinformation,’ X has offered an invaluable check on The New York Times and other mainstream media publications that present Hamas propaganda as ‘news’
Social media fantasies and institutional cowardice claim an innocent scalp
By taking an American journalist hostage, Putin’s Russia announces its transformation into a full-blown terrorist state
Lee Smith got the story right six years ago
Two new books answer no
A new generation of media crusaders clamor for government control over what you see, hear, and read—and for banning their competition
Campus Week: The one-party journalism system suffers no dissent from within. Here are some who do it anyway.
How the data-driven political journalism of Ezra Klein, Nate Silver, and others, applies the techno-elitist values of Silicon Valley to flatten political reality
When the media turns everything into Russiagate, anyone can be guilty
It turns out American journalism’s bias against Israel wasn’t an isolated tic. It was the first step in a decline of how everything is covered.
Celebrity profiles have become an excuse for fawning over celebrities or attacking political targets, but it’s time for journalists to get back to seeking the truth
Tablet celebrates the great Viennese satirist’s 145th birthday this weekend
And a flashback to ‘The Masses’ of 1912, with special artwork by ‘Voice’ alum Jules Feiffer
News of the News: The Russia investigation put the FBI in a bind well before Trump ever landed in the White House
Just not in the way you think
Jewish publications from New York to London have consolidated under the Times of Israel banner. Now they are also under threat.