Best known today as a flavoring in chewing gum and toothpaste, this plant has been a staple of cooking and health remedies for thousands of years—and Jews have been using it since biblical times
How to add some spice to the traditional American menu
These tasty vegetables have been part of Jewish cooking since the time of Moses
The eggplant is a symbol of Sephardic resilience, identity, and survival
Trying to recreate my great-grandmother’s cheese-filled bollos
In his new cookbook, ‘Mind Over Batter,’ Jack Hazan brings together self-care with recipes for everything from challah to sambusak
My explosive mission to recreate the ‘pain d’espagne’ my grandfather once made, which I never got to eat
The herb was an essential part of Sephardic cooking for centuries
Learn how to make everything from almodrote to sofrito in your own kitchen
The specific recipe varies from region to region, but rice pudding is an essential Sephardic dessert—and one that’s perfectly suited to Shavuot
Women are leading the way as small businesses bring traditional recipes to the commercial marketplace
A delicious Sephardic dish and a testament to Jewish renewal rescued from the Spanish Middle Ages
In Seattle’s Sephardic synagogues, women have come together to bake for more than a century. Will a younger generation continue the tradition?
The dish was a staple for Sephardic Jews during the Spanish Inquisition
Chicken Marbella, once a staple of trendy dinner parties, is now a mainstay recipe for Passover’s festive meals
Sick of gray balls of mystery fish floating in jelly? Think outside the jar, and try a Sephardic recipe instead.