A new theatrical adaptation of Chaim Potok’s classic novel admires the past without being nostalgic and takes Jews and Judaism seriously
The novel, published 50 years ago today, shaped the American Jewish encounter with Hasidism and Orthodoxy, while giving a pretty good play-by-play account of a baseball game
They lie. They cheat. The treat their kids terribly. This Father’s Day, be thankful your own dad is such a mensch.
My Name Is Asher Lev and Disgraced bring to New York stages Jews and Muslims struggling with identity
Chaim Potok’s 1967 novel The Chosen, about Jewish teenagers in Brooklyn, is no less inscrutable for adults than it has been for generations of young readers
We all love personality-based quizzes. Here’s a perfect one for the people of the book: What does your favorite Jewish children’s book say about you?
Unearthing the history of discrimination in the Ivy League