How the elite defense of ‘our democracy’ became a mask for ethnic prejudice
Why can’t Jews get along with each other?
The paper legacies of separate immigrant communities return under one roof after earthquake-induced exile
Imagine that family seder
Opposing rabbinic conceptions of marriage and matchmaking in Ashkenaz and Sepharad
Researchers identify 350-person founding population of Ashkenazi Jewry
New research in the ongoing academic debate says no
An explosive debate erupts from footnotes suggesting that Ashkenazi Jews are Europeans
A look at the history and roots of common Ashkenazi surnames
Amnon Levy’s latest miniseries probes Israel’s so-called ‘ethnic demon’
Daf Yomi: Much of the rabbinical ingenuity is devoted to figuring out how to draw clear lines in murky situations
Supreme Court decision will make BRCA mutation testing more accessible
Thirty years after the Islamic Revolution made them exiles, the Persian Jews of Los Angeles are split in new ways by an old question: how much to hold on to religious and cultural traditions forged in a country that now hates them
A tragedy in Israel lets the ‘ethnic genie’ out of the bottle
Sephardic rabbi predicts Sephardic savior
The longing that made a writer turn to God
Pseudo-science helps a family straddle the Sephardi-Ashkenazi divide