How antisemitic Soviet propaganda informs contemporary left anti-Zionism
The historian, professor, and author on the importance of calling out Holocaust revisionist bullies, being portrayed on-screen by Rachel Weisz, and her favorite pair of oxfords
The infamous Lipstadt-Irving libel battle gets a trim new David Hare film adaptation starring Rachel Weisz—just in time for the rise of Trump
After rapper B.o.B. tweeted about his flat Earth theories, Tyson, an astrophysicist, tried to set him straight. But B.o.B. was having none of it, so he made a diss track, hitting back at Tyson, while touching on Hitler and kippahs, too. Yep.
The actress will play Deborah Lipstadt, the Jewish history scholar who was sued for libel by David Irving after she labeled him a ‘Holocaust denier’
Plot centers on battle between Deborah Lipstadt and Nazi apologist David Irving
The assignment materials cited Holocaust deniers, and represent a gross failure of judgment—and historical awareness
Europe’s approach to banning expression lets people feel good but does nothing to eradicate racism
A new book in France aims to set the record straight about national awareness of the horrors of the Shoah
Studying the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial provided a reminder that it’s always crucial to confront Holocaust denialism, whether among Nazis in the immediate postwar years or from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today
Deborah Lipstadt’s Nextbook Press book is published today
In Trials of the Diaspora, Anthony Julius offers an encyclopedic history of English anti-Semitism
But Irving says it’ll go on
But protesters try to infilitrate Holocaust revisionist’s plan
Facebook page reveals British spymaster’s Holocaust-denier tie