After a lifetime dedicated to expanding literacy, Daniel Goldin now wants to build public spaces for Mexicans of different backgrounds to read, rest, and play
Mexican ceviche brings a different flavor to the Seder table
The paper legacies of separate immigrant communities return under one roof after earthquake-induced exile
How my great-grandmother, a Polish immigrant to Mexico, became a champion of artists like Mathias Goeritz, Sebastián, and José Luis Cuevas
Monica Unikel has been leading tours for 23 years. But she’s also helped to create a cultural center inside one of the oldest synagogues in the Mexican capital.
Tablet en Español: Mónica Unikel ha guiado tours por 23 años. Pero además ayudó a crear un centro cultural dentro de una de las más antiguas sinagogas en la capital mexicana.
Sephardic culture conference lands in Mexico City
At 82, the Mexican artist isn’t done collecting junk in his irrational house
La Muertita, or the Little Dead Woman, is a family-run food stand that has been serving Mexico City’s Jewish community since 1958
The band heads to Mexico City for “My Dead Lover’s Wedding”
A new generation of women is being misled into assuming an ideological tension between feminism and Zionism