How Jewish obsolescence as described by the early Christian church echoes in contemporary anti-Zionism
Hungarian writer György Spiró’s newly translated novel ‘Captivity’ powerfully sets the perils of modern Jewry in Early Christian Rome
A Hebrew copy of the New Testament, among other things
Reconciling my son’s Jewish identity with his New Testament name
A Yale president’s forebear was an enigmatic and pro-Christian member of the famed rabbinic dynasty
Porn and bibles: A lesson for MK Michael Ben Ari
A well-thumbed book from my Lutheran childhood is now the ideal text for my Shavuot study and reflection
Santorum holiday card mixes messages with New Testament quote
She really does have it all
High priest of Jerusalem is featured, er, prominently in the Gospels
Americans say that the Bible is central to them—a divine instruction manual for life on earth. How is it, then, a new book asks, that they know so little of it?