Why do we ask people on the street to share personal tales with strangers? To heal the world.
‘Daf Yomi:’ How modern Jews misinterpret another key philosophical phrase, and why religious fanatics will find no Talmudic argument in support of their dream of building a Third Temple on the mount
In ‘To Heal the World?,’ his critique of the modern Jewish left, Jonathan Neumann is not just wrong. He’s also way out of his league.
Looking back on an American and Jewish experiment in communal living
In this week’s ‘Daf Yomi,’ one sage overrules the consensus, and men may dispose of their wealth upon their deathbeds at will
I’ve fought for gay rights in the courtroom and have seen same-sex marriage become the law of the land. Despite narrow interpretations, I argue the belief in God is not inimical to the concept of change.
In an excerpt from ‘Mamaleh Knows Best,’ tips for turning your children into mensches
Alan Mittleman’s new study of Jewish philosophy ‘boils Bible stories and brain science into the message that there’s something holy in everything and everyone’—but can reason and faith coexist?
In his new book ‘What Is Islam?,’ the late scholar Shahab Ahmed asks if it’s time to return to an idea of the religion that prizes more than just the Quran
In this week’s ‘Daf Yomi’ Talmud study, Jews may not realize the origins of a central idea of modern social justice
With his intelligent, lyrical climate encyclical, the most ecumenical of pontiffs brings ‘the common good’ to new heights
‘Your purpose in life … is simply this: to improve the world’
The temptations of tribalism distort the tempers and minds of people who want to do good
Policies proposed by Mitt Romney, especially on education, are antithetical to fairness and compassion
Is there a Jewish equivalent to the translation of sacred to political?
Evangelical Christians send students around the world to help the needy. Jews should do the same, extending tikkun olam beyond our community.
The leftist Israeli magazine +972 wants to sound the alarm on a Jewish state it believes is destroying itself
As Zionism is under siege and Israelis increasingly see their country as divinely ordained, it’s important to remember that the Jewish state is the result not of a miracle but of historical forces and hard work