A new compilation of his early writings showcases the voice of one of golden age Hollywood’s cleverest stars
A German noir export on Netflix leads viewers into the Jewish-inflected Babylon of a legendary sin city
The great film and social document illuminates a primal fear—that of foreign contagion
How I came to know one of the scientist’s love interests from the early days of the Weimar Republic
On her 126th birthday, measuring the influence of the incomparable ‘dance performance artist’ who inspired entertainers from German Expressionism through to 1980s punk
Seventy-nine years after Kristallnacht, ‘A Deadly Legacy,’ a new history of German Jewish soldiers during World War I, traces the origins of the European scapegoating that would engulf the continent some years later
An evening of Jewishly inflected, queer songs brings Weimar Germany back to life with humor and music
How traditional and radical conservatives come to speak a common political language—that ultimately benefits the extremists
‘Europe’s gift to Islam’ was born in Austria-Hungary 116 years ago this week. His ideas on the intersection of politics and religion are more relevant than ever.
Why is a Jewish family at the center of a story about a transgender woman, in ‘Transparent’?
I knew I’d feel sad on our trip to Germany. I wasn’t expecting to be so angry.
In a ‘richly appointed’ debut, ‘The Empire of the Senses,’ German Jews of the 1920s live in blissful ignorance