Introducing Tablet’s Passover Playlist
A simulated Seder through song

I think one of the things I will miss most this Passover is the music. The Seder is full of melodies that many of us have sung for years together with our friends and family, and whose timeless tunes transport us back to our childhoods. This time, however, many of us will be singing alone, without our parents or grandparents to lead their favorite songs.
Hoping to recapture some of that soundtrack and ease the transition to our solitary Seders, I combed through every version of every Passover-appropriate song on Spotify to build a simulated Seder playlist. The finished product reflects an array of musical and Jewish traditions, from Ashkenazi to Sephardi to Jack Black. Like every family Seder, not everything in it is for everyone, but it should have something for everyone. Feel free to skip to your favorites or give a listen to something new, and to send me anything you think I left out at [email protected]. Wishing you all a chag kasher v’sameach, wherever you may be.
Yair Rosenberg is a senior writer at Tablet. Subscribe to his newsletter, listen to his music, and follow him on Twitter and Facebook.