Is Madonna Becoming Modest?
‘Esther’ looked like a rebbetzin at last night’s VMAs

Maybe we’re extra-alert after Madonna’s recent visit to Israel and column in Yediot Ahronot, but we’ve noticed something unusual about the star’s wardrobe lately. In her outfit from last night’s MTV Music Video Awards, she looked like the edgiest rebbetzin at the sisterhood meeting. Combined with photos of her birthday swimming excursion, in which she swam practically fully dressed, we can’t help but wonder: is Esther, the woman formerly known as a pointy-brassiered provocateur, adopting an Orthodox standard of tznius, or modesty? (Her spokeswoman, Liz Rosenberg, didn’t respond to a request for comment.) And even more important: if so, will covered bods become the biggest fad since kabbalah bracelets?
Hadara Graubart was formerly a writer and editor for Tablet Magazine.