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Jeremy Corbyn Will Lay a Wreath for PLO Munich Murderers but Not for Dead Jews at Yad Vashem

The Corbyn playbook was on full show: denial, backtracking, equivocation, and words so slippery even the Kool-Aid faithful were unsure of what to say.

David Patrikarakos
August 13, 2018
Palestinian Embassy in Tunis/Facebook
Palestinian Embassy in Tunis/Facebook
Palestinian Embassy in Tunis/Facebook
Palestinian Embassy in Tunis/Facebook

After they killed some of the athletes they castrated them and made the others watch. Then they killed them, too.

These were the people–the butchers, the terrorists—that Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, honored at a ceremony in 2014 in Tunisia. Surrounded by members of a delegation of Palestinian officials at the Tunis graveyard he placed his hands on a wreath that was laid in the cemetery to honor the Palestinian “martyrs” who killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

As the story broke over the weekend, social media lit up with condemnation of Corbyn. Ever shifty, ever unintelligent, Corbyn, and the foolish Labour press office that surrounds him struggled to get their story straight. First, it was claimed that the Dear Leader had been there to pay his respects to the victims of an Israeli bombing raid in 1985, and not the Munich terrorists. This lie, however, quickly fell apart under the slightest scrutiny from anyone with an internet connection.

Corbyn then went from the merely mendacious to the outright ridiculous: “I was present at that wreath-laying,” he said. “I don’t think I was actually involved in it.”

The reaction was inevitable. “Corbyn was there, but didn’t inhale,” remarked one Twitter user, as the platform erupted again, now into laughter almost as much as outrage.

The Corbyn playbook was on full show: denial, backtracking, equivocation, and words so slippery even the Kool-Aid faithful were unsure of what to say.

But conversely, there has been one memorial that Jeremy Corbyn has been clear and honest and adamant about not attending: Yad Vashem.

Corbyn has been invited several times. Most recently in 2016 when Ken Livingstone, London’s Hitler-obsessed former mayor, claimed that the Fuehrer had been a Zionist, Isaac Herzog, leader of the Israeli Labour Party invited Corbyn to Yad Vashem “to witness that the last time the Jews were forcibly transported it was not to Israel but to their deaths.” Corbyn declined.

The Labour leader, it seems, has his limits. He will lay a wreath for PLO Munich murderers in Tunis but not for dead Jews at Yad Vashem.