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On Tablet Today

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Unknown Author
June 09, 2009

Welcome to Tablet Magazine. The blog you’re reading, The Scroll, will be updated throughout the day with opinionated links to coverage we’re interested in elsewhere, like in our “Daybreak” morning-news roundup. Elsewhere on the site today, editor-in-chief Alana Newhouse introduces the magazine, and Liel Leibovitz offers an audio slideshow narrated by the designers behind our new look. Tablet book critic Adam Kirsch reviews Getrude Himmelfarb’s new book on Victorian novelist George Eliot; senior writer Allison Hoffman checks in with some entrepreneurial ultra-Orthodox housewives; and senior editor Michael Weiss critiques the critiques of Obama’s Cairo speech. Plus we offer the entire archive (well, nearly the entire archive—bear with us while work out some remaining kinks) of our predecessor publication, There’s plenty to read. So dig in.

These articles are not currently attributed to anyone. We’re working on it!

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