‘Son of God’ Continues the Biblical Movie Trend
New Bible-based storyline bound for the big screen

Exactly one month before Noah and his animal stampede hit the big screen, Jesus is coming back–again.
Son of God (Feb. 28, Fox) will feature a remix of footage from the History Channel’s hit The Bible in order to tell the story of Jesus, with Diogo Morgado in the title role. The film adds to the growing list of Bible-based movies hitting theaters in 2014, and Son of God has already been added to the agendas of Christian TV programs across the United States.
Husband and wife producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey made sure to involve Christian authorities in the movie’s production, including evangelical pastor Rick Warren and Rev. Sam Rodriguez, president of the Hispanic Evangelical Alliance. “We took this very seriously, so we involved all of these advisers from the very, very beginning,” Burnett told The Hollywood Reporter.
The scripture-to-screen trend shows little sign of abating. Exodus, another page-turner, has also been snagged by Fox and is scheduled for release on Dec. 12. Starring Christian Bale as Moses and directed by Ridley Scott, the movie is bound to be a chart-topper. Spoiler-alert: the Jews get out of Egypt and the sea mysteriously splits!
Of course, while the ten plagues have always been the stuff of Hollywood magic, we’d really like to seem them try and dramatize Leviticus.
Related: Watch the Surreal Trailer for “Noah”
Hannah Dreyfus is an editorial intern at Tablet.