Jews! Culture! Superheroes!
Especially the latter.
I knew that if I didn’t write this week about the Wonder Woman film that I would have to consider myself a failure as both a journalist and a geek. So on Jewcy we have not one, but two articles about the Gal Gadot flick (not bad for a rare superhero without Jewish creators!). The first—and spoiler-free!—article is about the poignancy of having an actress from Israel play a character who must deal with ethical nuances for the first time. The second—and spoiler-full—article is about the significance of the movie taking place during World War I, and what that says about World War II (and the Jews, obviously).
We also have an interview with Daniel Eichholz, the only Jewish cast member in the Southern Charm reality TV franchise. (He’s descended from the highest ranking Jewish officer in the Continental Army, and is also admittedly super cute.)
Here’s a tip: If you’re in New York and looking for something to do over the next several days, there’s a super-short run of the operatic adaptation of Tony Kushner’s Angels in America. Roy Cohn performing arias. What’s not to like!
And if you need me, I’ll be celebrating Pride in ways including, but not limited to, eating Big Gay Ice Cream. That’s right, six out of seven pint flavors (not the Rocky Roadhouse because: marshmallows), of the NYC shoppe are now certified Kosher by the OU. For reals.
Gabriela Geselowitz is a writer and the former editor of