ADL Targets Casspi Graffiti Artist
Future swastika-painters will think twice!

To the list of Things the Anti-Defamation League Does That Are Actually Awesome (as opposed to, you know, not), please add, along with its new Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, the fact that the organization put a bounty on whoever spray-painted a swastika squarely onto the forehead of the Kings’ Israeli forward Omri Casspi on a Sacramento, California, mural.
(Said Casspi: “It’s probably just some idiot who wants some publicity. But I know the people in Sacramento, and they have been wonderful to me.” He is certainly right about the idiot part: The culprit painted a backward swastika, which is technically a sauwastika. Not even a proper Jew-hater, in other words.)
Anyway, got any info? If it helps lead to the arrest of the perp, the ADL will give you $1,000. Plus you just know you will also get to have your picture taken with Casspi—who, believe me ladies, is handsome as hell.
ADL Offering Reward in Casspi Billboard Vandalism [JTA]
Kings Israeli Forward Says Billboard Swastika ‘Hurtful’ [JTA]
Sacramento Kings Mural Defaced With Swastika [Deadspin]
Earlier: It’s Not Easy Being Casspi
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.