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Conan O’Brien Sings Mormon Song for Hatch

‘Tonight Show’ drummer Weinberg responds to senator’s song on Tablet

Marc Tracy
December 15, 2009

Last night, NBC’s The Tonight Show highlighted our video of Sen. Orrin Hatch recording the oh-so-catchy tune he wrote for the Jewish people, “Eight Days of Hanukkah.” Host Conan O’Brien proceeded to announce that his show’s resident Jew, drummer and bandleader Max Weinberg (who also sets the rhythm in Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band), wanted to return the favor to Utah’s senior senator and his co-religionists of the Mormon faith. Bottom line: you can watch the cast’s holiday song— “Mormons, Mormons, Mormons/We haven’t got a clue/Of what you folks believe in/Or think or drink or do”—below.

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.