Each Monday, we choose the most interestingly Jewish announcement from that Sunday’s New York Times Weddings/Celebrations section. This week it’s that of John Blair and Beto Sutter, and for once, it’s because of the officiant, and at this point the post will turn to song:
She was working in a TV show based on her life,
’Bout a gal who weds a gay man—she plays the wife.
How to promote the program?
Marry again? No ma’am!
Can you do that? You just can’t.
So over to the Universal Life website,
Getting certified’s as easy as flying a kite,
She had dough!
She has flow!
And a show!
That’s how she bcame … The Officiant.
Who would’ve guessed as late as last May
That in New York we’d have a marriage so gay?
Now Mr. Sheffield still is taken (watch out C.C.!),
He played that English guy on Mad Men (the thing we really wanna see).
She’s the lady in black, wedding one man to another man.
The divorcée in with the gays:
The officiant named Fran.
Mazel tov to the happy couple!
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.