Justin Bieber, Almost Jewish
So says pop star’s (very Jewish) manager
“Justin prays the ‘Shema’ before each show. First he says a Christian prayer, then he says the ‘Shema.’’ So reports Scott “Scooter” Braun, né Shmuel ben Eliezer, the Connecticut-born 28-year-old who is basically responsible for foisting the 16-year-old superstar onto the world: He discovered videos Bieber’s mother had uploaded to YouTube, and is now his manager. (He is also apparently Bieber’s “blood brother”—hence the Shema.)
Braun also has a pledge: “We will come to Israel to perform next year. I want to support Israel.” Get ready, Tel Aviv …
Bieber Fever: Israel’s Got It! [IsRealli]
Earlier: Send Bieber on Birthright!
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.