• Ilan Grapel, the 27-year-old Israeli-American arrested in June in Cairo under dubious espionage charges, is still being detained by Egypt; Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, currently in the region, hopes to secure his release. [WP Checkpoint Washington]
• “Sunrise, Sunset” goes gay. Way past due. [NYT ArtsBeat]
• Maurice Sendak makes me scared to get old. [Guardian]
• Today, Ukraine officially recognized the 70th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre, in which more than 30,000 Jews were murdered. [JTA]
• The best Jewish director you don’t think about enough is Todd Solondz. [Forward]
California cities trying to ban circumcisions can quit wasting their breath: Governor Moonbeam signed a law nixing that. I know this song is meant as a criticism, but I mean it in a good way.
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.