• David Ignatius sees signs of looming conflict between countries in the Middle East, and as far as Iran goes, urges the United States to “bargain more independently and aggressively.” [WP]
• Have you ever “bageled”? Read this to find out. [Jewcy]
• Richard Brody takes issue with Berlin’s main, central Holocaust memorial. Hey New Yorker: please send Richard Brody all around the world, his dispatches have been great. [TNY The Front Row]
• Maine’s governor apologized for comparing the IRS to the Gestapo. Then he said: “What I’m trying to say is that the Holocaust was a horrific crime against humanity and, frankly, I would never want to see that repeated. Maybe the IRS is not quite as bad. Yet.” Oh, you. [TPM]
• Eli Valley’s latest. [Forward]
• As always, the most effective way to bring Muslims and Jews together is to attack them both, and that’s what’s happened in Germany with the circumcision ban. [Atlantic Wire]
See you tomorrow …
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.