Tablet Magazine is co-sponsoring “Six Words on the Jewish Life,” an event at 92Y Tribeca on Wednesday, September 21. Various performers, including Walter Mosley, Deborah Copaken Kogan, and Zev Borow, will recite their six-word memoirs—which, really, is exactly what it sounds like—and then have six minutes to fill in the backstory. Also, one of the performers could be you!
Here’s what happens next: write your own six-word memoir. Post it to the event’s Facebook page, identifying yourself as a Tablet reader. Editor in chief Alana Newhouse will pick the winner, and he or she will get to perform later this month.
Sound good? Off with you!
Oh, and tickets here.
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.