A new film, Ahead of Time, is a documentary biography of 98-year-old journalist Ruth Gruber. In addition to praising the movie, the New York Times profiled Gruber, reporting that she “has spent her professional life listening—to world leaders, displaced persons, dubious politicians and, once, when she was on the fellowship that led to her doctorate, Hitler.” Says Gruber, “My mother became slightly hysterical. She thought Hitler was going to shoot me. But I needed to understand what was going on there.”
And guess what! Gruber was a guest on Tablet Magazine predecessor Nextbook.org’s podcast more than three years ago. She has some mighty fine stories to tell.
To see if there is a screening of Ahead of Time near you (hint: It helps if you live in New York or L.A.), check here.
Recounting the Past of a Witness to History [NYT]
Related: Lady Intrepid [Nextbook.org]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.