We Giveth, and Then We Giveth Some More
Five of top six U.S. philanthropists are Jews

JTA’s Jacob Berkman counts the Jews so you (and I) don’t have to: 19 of the Chronicle of Philanthropy‘s list of 2010’s 50 top American donors were of the Tribe. They include five of the top six (including George Soros at 1, MIchael Bloomberg at 2, and Edith and Eli Broad at 5) and eight of the top 11 (including Mark Zuckerberg tied for tenth).
On last year’s list, Jews accounted for only four of the top eleven; Bloomberg was sixth, not second; and Soros was fourth, not first, having given “only” $150 million. In 2010, Soros gave an estimated $332 million, and (unlike in 2009), I don’t think any of it went to J Street.
Jews Take 5 of 6 Spots in Annual List of Top U.S. Givers [Jewish Journal/JTA]
The Philanthropy 50 [Chronicle of Philanthropy]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.