What Do Bagels and Dodgers Have in Common?
Larry King!

The prospective Los Angeles Dodgers ownership group led by sports lawyer Dennis Gilbert (a Jew) has a new member, and it is Larry King (who, we hear, is also Jewish). Attentive Scroll readers might recall that another of King’s business ventures is the Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Company, whose “water treatment technology” makes H20 anywhere into the stuff that comes out of faucets east of the East River, so that authentic and delicious bagels can be made mobilely.
So the question is: does King want to do to the team what he does to bagels, and bring the Brooklyn spirit to L.A.? Or does he want to bring the Dodgers back to Brooklyn? Remember your roots, King!
Larry King Joins Group to Buy Dodgers [ESPN]
Earlier: Larry King’s New Business
Potential Dodgers Buyers, In Order of Preference
A Modest Proposal Regarding the Dodgers
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.